
Selamat Datang

Selamat Datang Di Blog Roy Lichtenstein- Saya Senang Anda Berada Di Sini, Dan Berharap Anda Sering Datang Kembali. Silakan Berlama - Lama Di Sini Dan Membaca Lebih Lanjut Tentang Artikel Yang Saya Susun. Ada Banyak Hal Dapat Anda Pelajari, Anda Mungkin Akan Menemukan Sesuatu Yang Menarik

Sekilas Tentang Roy

Nama saya Roy Lichtenstein, Saya Bukan Seorang Blogger, Hacker, Desainer Atau Apapun Tapi Saya Hanya Seseorang Yang Ingin Selalu Belajar Dan Ingin Tau Sesuatu Yang Baru...

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Recent Post With Thumbnails

Showing recent post with thumbnails on blogspot, Widget Recent Post this picture is now very trendy again, because most of us want our last posting appeared on the side bar equipped with a small image or thumbnail, and equipped to respond and post a little summary and postingna our no amount of comment in our posts, like the picture on my side.

There are several ways to display the last post with a picture, or the language a bit cool show with thumbnails recent post on blogspot, but this time I want the tutorial comes from bloggers themselves may have some bloggor who do not know. Okay just begun
1. Which must first login to your Google account or Click Here
2. Select Layout
3. Add a Gadget
4. Select Featured

5.Select Recent Posts Advanced

6.Change Url With Your Blog Name
7. Save

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